Category Archives: 2009

Holiday Cheer at Bethesda 2009 “Elfs”

Holiday Cheer 2009 cookies and stockingsMade possible by “Elfs” across the country!

Thank you so much for being an “Elf” and bringing “Holiday Cheer” to Bethesda Naval Hospital.


2009 holiday cheer stockings

Stockings made by Bayside Quilters of the Eastern Shore,  MD.

Stocking stuffers were sent from: Continue reading Holiday Cheer at Bethesda 2009 “Elfs”

“Holiday Cheer at Bethesda” – Mercy Hall, December 3, 2009

mercy hall 2009 stockings cookies and cards







“Holiday Cheer at Bethesda 2009” at Mercy Hall was an incredible success!

The food was great, the stockings were fun, the cookies were delicious and the cards were the icing on the cake!

”Elfs” across the country helped us fill 65 homemade stockings, sent us over 1000 Christmas cards, and the local “Elfs” baked 100 dozen scrumptious cookies for “Holiday Cheer”.

Our December Luncheon Crew and the Choptank Marine Corps League Detachment served up a full holiday meal including turkey, ham, and all the sides!

Heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made “Holiday Cheer at Bethesda 2009” possible!

Before the Luncheon:

Our goal was to fill 60 stockings, fill 60 containers of cookies with a dozen cookies in each, Continue reading “Holiday Cheer at Bethesda” – Mercy Hall, December 3, 2009

November 8, 2009 – 5th Floor: My mind…

We extend our deepest condolences to the Soldiers and their families at Fort Hood.

Operation Homefront has established an “Emergency Tragedy Fund” for the families of the injured and deceased Soldiers if you would like to help.


Sally, a friend of Deb and Robin’s and a new Luncheon Crew member, had been on the waiting list since May to attend the November luncheon with us. As the date got closer, she offered to host the food prep at her house and Deb assured me that Sally’s kitchen would be the perfect place to work in.

My Mind is like a steel thingamajig It was! And when I saw the “thingamagig” plaque on her kitchen counter… Well… =)

We shopped, Robin met us at Sally’s, we knocked out the food prep in a few hours, went out to eat, and then Sally and I stuffed the gift bags when we got back.

gift bags We woke up Sunday morning to an absolutely beautiful autumn day and the mouth-watering smell (well, maybe not – it was 6 AM – kinda weird smelling barbecue at 6 AM) of pulled pork barbecue in the crock pots and then… Continue reading November 8, 2009 – 5th Floor: My mind…

October 29, 2009 – Mercy Hall: Ghosties and Goblins and Treat Bags, OH MY!

party table

This close to Halloween we just had to have a party!

Entertainment was provided by Mr. Owl bouncing on the pumpkin and flapping his wings while singing “ting-tang-walla-walla bing-bang…”, and Mummy Cat howling “Who let the dogs out, WHO who who? Who let the dogs out….” while the Very Scary Monsters (crafted by Miss Kathie’s K-2 kindergarten class from St. Peter and Paul’s Elementary School) guarded the trick or treat bags.

The table was chock full of food. Continue reading October 29, 2009 – Mercy Hall: Ghosties and Goblins and Treat Bags, OH MY!

October 18, 2009 – 5th Floor

Welcome OEF and OIF Patients and Families








The online community of Marine Moms spreads far and wide across the country and every once in awhile things work out and we are able to meet our online sisters, our sons’ “other mothers”, in person and that’s what happened at this luncheon.

October 18, 2009 - 5th floor: ali, Deb, Ellen-Alisa, Scott








Ellen-Alisa was out here visiting Ali, and they were able to join us.

When Janet offered her help with encouragement notes I quickly took her up on her offer and asked her to join us so she could see first hand what Marine Moms-Bethesda is all about. Continue reading October 18, 2009 – 5th Floor

September 13, 2009 – 5th Floor: In the company of Heroes

In the company of Heroes








Former Marine Oliver North defined the word “HERO”:

“Heroes are people who overcome evil by doing good at great personal risk. Through self-sacrifice, fortitude and action — whether they succeed or fail — heroes provide a moral and ethical framework — and inspiration — for the rest of us.”

Wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, cousins.
Just a few of the family members we met today on 5 East.
Some had been there 5 weeks; some arrived just two days ago.
Some travel back and forth from their home state to the hospital, as they can.
Others have stayed so long that their sons are telling them, “It’s okay to go home now, Mom. I’ll be fine.” Continue reading September 13, 2009 – 5th Floor: In the company of Heroes

August 13, 2009 – Mercy Hall: hot, Hot, HOT!

*NOTE TO SELF for future luncheons*

*You do not need a whole bag of Matchlite for S’mores.*

S'moresEh… yeah… what can I say… when Deb’s not there, I kinda go overboard sometimes… most times…


Janie’s Motto: More is Better!!!

Not always a good thing…

Temps were in the 90’s too. We had the candy bars, marshmallows and graham crackers in the little cooler to keep them from melting. Umm hmmm… the graham crackers would have melted – or at least turned soggy from the humidity.
.Jean and I shopped at Walmart and BJ’s the day before and did the food prep at her house. BJ’s had a different selection of things than Costco and Sam’s has and I think BJ’s was a wee bit higher than the other two places for what we normally buy. It still beats shopping at the local grocery store, though!

Deb dropped off the Entenmann’s that evening and let us borrow her camera to video the quilt raffle drawing. Julie met us Thursday morning at Jean’s and followed us over and Jess met us at the hospital. Continue reading August 13, 2009 – Mercy Hall: hot, Hot, HOT!

July 12, 2009 – 5th Floor: What’s better than watermelon on a hot summer day?






Gate Roster: Gladys, Bob, Janelle, and Jane

Arrived at Gladys’ around 2 PM Saturday.  Went over shopping list, supplies list, and to-do list with Gladys and Bob.

Left Gladys’ at 2:30 to shop. Went to Sam’s, Wal-Mart, and Dollar Store.

Left Bob in charge of chicken baking in the oven and the job of putting together the encouragement note packets which included emailed notes, handwritten notes, an MM-B comb, and a special “Star”.. (Thank you Chris, Florida G.S Troop 681, Linda and Larry, Jan, Maria, Gramma Pam, Marcia, Teresa and Family, Miller Family, Nathan and George the Kitten, Shawn and Family, and someone who didn’t sign their name.)

Arrived back from shopping at 5:00 PM, had dinner, relaxed a little bit, Gladys got busy; Jane and Bob relaxed a little more then joined her; finished up, relaxed some more and at midnight, turned the crockpots on and went to bed. Continue reading July 12, 2009 – 5th Floor: What’s better than watermelon on a hot summer day?

June 4, 2009 – Mercy Hall: It’s a BBQ!

smoothiesBack in January when I mentioned a BBQ to the Sgt., she pointed out there were three charcoal grills out on the patio.  I was riding home with Jack from that luncheon and mentioned a cook-out to him, and he wondered if maybe his MCL detachment might enjoy helping with one.
They talked about it among themselves and decided they would so that’s what we did this month. The detachment funded it and the MM-B Crew prepped it, we all set it up together and had a great luncheon for the guys!

One thing I forgot to do was check the Farmer’s Almanac for the weather forecast before I asked for this date way in advance. Continue reading June 4, 2009 – Mercy Hall: It’s a BBQ!

April 5, 2009 – 5th Floor

The Unspoken Bond

NNMC and FlagThe April luncheon rolled around and for the first time ever I was unable to attend. I had promised a Biker I know – okay, my husband – way back in January that I would do the Spring Poker Run with him. The date that worked out the best for the hospital and the rest of the Crew just happened to be on that same day…

That’s okay, though. I met the Scroll Man. Continue reading April 5, 2009 – 5th Floor