May 22, 2011 – 5 East: Armed Forces Weekend

Armed Forces DayTo Our Marines,





Coast Guardsmen

Thank You for Your Service!

Centerpiece and other stuff










snack bags and encouragement notesWashington State Operation Thank You asked us to look for Josh so we did, and we found him and his Dad.  We had a packet of notes for Josh along with the pantry bag of snacks and a beautiful quilt made by Bayside Quilters for him to give to his wife.

Janet and Lew coordinated the luncheon.  Menu was lasagna, a pasta dish with tomato and sausage, Diane’s delicious potato soup, deviled eggs (they were being taste-tested by a mom before they had barely been set down on the luncheon table), cheese platter, salad, chips and dip and fresh fruit.






The BEST Potato Soup ever!
The BEST Potato Soup ever!




dessertsThe desserts were, as always, luscious.
Thank you, Becky, Colleen, Diane, Mary Jane, and the cookie bakers for your contributions!

This was Sarah’s first visit with us so I grabbed her for a quick walk around the ward during a slow spell.


doorSigns and artwork on a door to a Corporal’s room.






massagesI showed her where the massage therapists do the seated massages.
Jaime and Kelly had a little respite from doing their seated massages so Kelly worked on Jaime a little bit to get the kinks out.

They were working in one waiting rooms.


games in the waiting roombooks and magazines in the waiting roomThe waiting rooms have bookcases filled with games and books.




waiting room

And comfortable chairs facing a big screen TV, with computer and internet access.




two Marine momsWe couldn’t pass by the opportunity to take a picture of the Marine flag!  A General and a Sergeant Major were there visiting their Marines and took a picture of two of our volunteers.  Thank you!


snack bags and notesWe ended up back at the doorway to the luncheon room where the cart with the notes, quilts, and pantry bags are placed.  They are handed out as the patient or family member leave the luncheon room.

Julie shopped for and packed the bags. Janet formatted the emailed notes into a word document, printed them out and packaged them up.  Thank you, Ladies!

packing upNot a whole lot of food leftover to label and stash in the pantry.




fresh veggiesFresh vegetables are always welcome.
They don’t last long after we leave!



We loaded up and I had to bug out early, leaving the crew recapping the events of the day.  Our volunteers came from within a two hour radius of Bethesda and it is always a pleasure spending a few minutes after a luncheon catching up and chatting together.

Luncheon crew May 22_2011








Our MM-B volunteers are great.  They all share in the work load, each one taking on tasks that make the luncheons so special, picking up where others run into glitches when needed.

It is heartwarming to see their care and concern for the patients and families, and each volunteer goes the extra mile to ensure their needs are met while we are there; whether it’s making sure they know where the pantry is or helping them carry things back to their rooms or just lending an ear to listen. . .

Today’s luncheon crew:
Janet, Lew, Katie, Stephanie, Elizabeth, Mary, and Sarah
With Jaime and Kelly from “Touch of Relief”
Thank you! Job WELL done!


Each one of us brings something away from our time spent at the hospital, and we each have our own reasons for wishing to serve our HEROES by volunteering with the luncheons.

When someone says to me,

“I don’t know how you can continue to go month after month and see what you see,”

I think to myself,

“How can I not?  If those of us who can – don’t – then who will?”

Whether it is volunteering at a military or VA hospital, planning special events for homecomings or to recognize Veterans from past wars, writing letters and sending care packages, making neck coolers to send to “over there” as the temps rise above 100 degrees, or organizing a support group for families, or sending food back to the base with your son as he heads back after a weekend home, or standing in a flag line at a funeral, posting a message on a legacy page for a Fallen Hero, or inviting 12 Marines to your home and enlisting the whole town to provide the support to give them the best weekend they’ve had in a long time, or supporting those who do any of these things – all is needed and all is appreciated more than most of us will ever know – unless we ourselves have been there/done that…

To see the patience of a father as he helps his son into a wheelchair to go to physical therapy – the time it takes, the effort it takes… neither one complaining…

To listen to a girlfriend express her feelings about the war and her boyfriend losing both of his legs…

To see a mom again – for the sixth luncheon…

To watch our volunteers come together and pull off yet another fabulous meal to honor service members and their families who have sacrificed so much…

After leaving Bethesda, I stopped by a friend’s house.  Gladys and Bob were hosting a BBQ for their Marine Corps League Detachment and had invited me to stop by on the way home.  The Detachment was honoring one of their members who was headed “over there” very soon…

This war on terror is going on ten years now… and actually before then, but many of us just didn’t realize it and some still don’t.
Every service member serving right now volunteered to do so.

I am grateful for the opportunity to show support to the Marines, Soldiers, and Sailors we meet at the hospital.

Today’s luncheon was a very powerful one to me.


6/8/2011 – I received an update from Josh’s Aunt the other day that included a video made by a friend of their family.
After following his recovery since the end of April, watching this video was very special!  I just wanted to stand up and cheer for Josh!!!

(Per Marine Moms Rules: Fair warning – allergy alert.)

The Road to Recovery for Sgt. Josh Elliot

All the Best to you, Josh!!!

Until next time, continued prayers for our military and their families…

Love and Hugs,


April 30, 2011 – 5th Floor: “Tweeners”

April 30, 2011 Welcome SignBack In January as we were ready to leave Bethesda after the luncheon, the crew expressed an interest in visiting the hospital ward more often.

The luncheons really do lift the spirits of the patients and families.  The visits break up their day, gives them someone different to talk to, and they leave with a full belly of “real” food.

I threw the idea out to all of the volunteers and there were enough interested in the idea that we decided to do “tweeners” – not a full “all out” luncheon – just a quiet, laid back visit with 3 or 4 volunteers serving light fare, drinks, and smoothies.  Continue reading April 30, 2011 – 5th Floor: “Tweeners”

April 21, 2011 – Mercy Hall: April Showers Bring…


Just a nice, quiet, laid back luncheon.





Sally was back with us for the first time in a while.







Grace’s ham disappeared fast.

Jess had a work conflict and was unable to join us this time so I took over salad duty.  Made it the way she makes it.  Healthy!


Well, it does have more nutritional value and it does seem to be more popular than a regular garden salad made with iceberg lettuce.





Robin made the smoothies.







green beans and corn

It was déjà vue when I peeked at the green beans!  Her green beans were just like my Mom used to make!



pasta salad and veggies

The pasta salad was made with cheese tortellini and Robin took off from there with all kinds of good stuff in it, a meal in itself!




nuts and fruits

Fruit and nuts, hard boiled eggs, a fresh veggie tray, and cheese and pepperoni rounded out the menu.






Cookies and pumpkin pie for dessert.





cart of stuff for the hospital

Katie, Jackie and Lauren went over to 5 East to deliver some encouragement notes and to leave food and drinks in the day room.  This was Jackie and Lauren’s first visit with us.


The parents of the two Marines whose names we had to look for came over for lunch, as did some other families.  We had quilts, pillowcases, and a stash table set up with things for the guys and gals.

We’ll be back at Mercy Hall on June 23rd!

April 22nd Luncheon Crew:
Robin, Grace, Sally, Lauren, Jackie, Katie, and Jane.
Thank you! Job WELL done!

Until next time, continued prayers for our military and their families.

Love and Hugs,


March 27, 2011- 5th Floor: Breakfast Brunch

Breakfast BrunchWhen we plan a menu for our luncheons, our volunteers keep “Touches of Home” in mind.  Stephanie and Elizabeth decided to do a breakfast brunch, a very ambitious undertaking!

Silver Dollar Pancakes with blueberry topping, sausage gravy and biscuits, and cinnamon apples by Stephanie brought back memories of the holiday open houses her family had when she was growing up. Mary’s Creamy Potatoes are a favorite in her family. Three kinds of quiches, mini-muffins, fresh fruit salad, pasta salad, assorted sandwiches, chili, taco dip and chips, cheese and pepperoni platter, luscious desserts, assorted drinks, and smoothies rounded out the menu.

Katie and Gladys unloading
Arrival time is officially 10 AM but our enthusiastic volunteers began arriving around 9:15. Never know what the traffic on the beltway is going to be like!




Set up in the room was quiet, busy, and well-organized.

setting up









Hallie and Jill joined us for the first time.


Prepping for the luncheon







Sean and Mary were with us again. The microwave was made good use of for reheating the quiches and cinnamon apples.




After the past few luncheons and problems with the electric (too many crockpots), we decided to use some buffet servers.



One had the sausage gravy, one had biscuits and pancakes, and one held the potatoes.  The crockpots had chili and cinnamon apples, and the warming tray kept the quiches toasty warm.

Bob stayed busy again making smoothies.  Friends of Elizabeth and Steph sent the desserts. I thought the cakes, one chocolate and one yellow with a jelly filling, were professionally made but Elizabeth said no, her friend does it as a hobby.


Bob making smoothies









Julie offered to take over shopping for and filling the pantry bags.

March Pantry Bags


She passes them on to Katie to bring to the luncheon.

We set up the pantry bags and niftie-gifties outside of the luncheon room door.


snack bags and gifts


Little things tickle us and the large metal cart was one of those little things. It holds twice what a regular cart holds, meaning fewer trips up and down the elevator.


Quilts, pillowcases and wheelchair bags from Bayside Quilters are popular, especially the ones made out of specific service branch fabric.

Jaime and his seated massage chair had a work out. He did at least 15 seated massages in four hours. Katie was able to spend time in the waiting room talking with the families. Gladys took most of the pictures for the luncheon. (Thak you for sharing them with us!) Elizabeth and Stephanie kept the luncheon room organized.

During a quiet time right before we began serving, our volunteers chose our 2011 Raffle Quilt. Cut out and pieced by Mary C. from Bayside Quilters, tickets will go on sale May 1st for our major fundraiser. This is a picture of the quilt top.

2011 raffle quilt








It’s at the long-armer’s right now waiting to be quilted. More details coming in late April. We are very grateful for Bayside’s support.

Thank you to everyone who helps make our visits to Bethesda possible. We recognize our Supporters at the luncheon room doorway, listing them so everyone can read who made this month’s luncheon possible.

welcome and supporters











“It was a joy working with you all.  I know I can also speak for Jillian and Hallie when I say it is an honor and a privilege to support the patients and their families and we are grateful to be part of the team.” – Mary

Our volunteers expressed and interest in visiting more often so we have scheduled five more dates for 5 East over the course of this year, bringing our total to 17. Teams of three or four will provide light fare, drinks, smoothies, and seated massages during what will be a more laid back visit.

Each visit to Bethesda is special. Some luncheons affect me more than others and this was one where the tissues came out on the drive home.

Can one put a monetary price on the cost of war, when so many lives will never be the same?

Regrets? No Mr. President

Today’s luncheon crew:
Stephanie, Elizabeth, Mary, Katie, Sean, Hallie, Jill, Gladys, and Bob,
with Jaime from “Touch of Relief”
Thank you! Job WELL done!

Until next time, continued prayers for our military and their families.

Love and Hugs,


February 17, 2011 – Mercy Hall: “Charity?”

“I don’t want charity,” he said to me.
“Charity?” I never really thought of it that way.

He had his reasons and although he didn’t go into great detail, I respect them.  One never knows where other’s paths have taken them…

Charity = Kindness.

Charity = Compassion.

Charity = Goodwill.

Charity also = hand outs, assistance, aid.

I wonder if somewhere along the line, he was taken advantage of by someone offering help under the auspices of  “charity”.

I wish I had thought to say,

“Please accept our luncheon as a gift, a “Thank You for Your Service” from many, many people across this country who are grateful for your service to this country.”

That’s how I see our luncheons, as a “thank you”.  His words caused me to have a “light bulb moment”… I need to rethink some things.

He left laughing, we were friends, and although he says he won’t be there in April, we’ll keep an eye out for him just in case.

There are no strings attached to our luncheons or the things we pass out to the troops or families during our visits.  The gifts that enable us to host the luncheons come from people who ask for nothing in return.  Many of them wish to remain anonymous.  They prefer to give quietly and do not wish to receive any accolades for being benevolent.  They are giving from their heart.

Those who want to give to the troops through us and want pictures and/or names of the troops in return, or do it for self-promotion – sorry.  Marine Moms-Bethesda does not do that.  You will have to find someone else to accommodate you.


The email began:

“Aloha, Jane,
      Greetings from a cloudy Kauai!”

red white and blue quiltA Navy Mom from Hawaii was “volunteered” by her Sailor to send a quilt for us to give to a Warrior.  The quilt was given to a Marine who had been stationed in Hawaii.
Thank you, Kauai Quilt Guild and Melissa for the beautiful quilt!


Katie and Bob setting up the buffetKatie is learning the ropes and will be coordinating some of the Mercy Hall luncheons this year.  She did a wonderful job involving February’s luncheon crew with the planning and getting the information out to everyone.  She also came up with some new ideas that we will be implementing behind the scenes to make the beforehand prep go a little more smoothly for everyone.


playing poolat Mercy Hall






A meeting for the Marines to learn about new benefits was going on when we arrived.  We had lots of help unloading the cars.  After the meeting some of the guys played pool while they waited for us to finish setting things up.

Jess set up her massage chair and was busy the whole time.
Bob kept the smoothies going and Grace served.

We had a few names to look for and after we finished setting up, Katie went over to 5 East to give them a quilt and pillowcases from Bayside Quilters, pantry bags, and notes. She also invited the families she ran into to come over for lunch.  Four of the families took her up on the invitation.

roasted vegetables

I can still smell the roasted vegetables and fresh green beans!




The salad disappeared.salad and crockpots







Beef stew and cheesy chicken mac and cheese casserole were the main dishes.


Too many desserts!  I can’t help it!  I have it in my head to fatten the guys up and they have it in their heads to chocolate chip cookiesget back in shape!  They always win!

Thank you to Kelly and Casey from Homestead Gardens for the cookies! They were a hit!

Today’s luncheon crew:
Katie, Jess, Grace, Bob and Jane.
Thank you! Job WELL done!

Until next time, continued prayers for our military and their families.

Love and Hugs,


January 30th, 2011 ~ 5th Floor

It’s A Super Bowl Party!

cheesePlenty of good food – fried chicken wings, mild Buffalo wings (with hot sauce on the side), and Bourbon Chicken. Chili, toppings, and corn bread to go with it. Roast beef, turkey, and ham sandwiches, wraps, carrot-ginger soup, cheese and pepperoni, and assorted pickles.

There’s more! Taco dip and scoops, onion dip and chips, mini-hot dogs in sauce, and nuts. Then moving on to the sides there was pasta salad, potato salad, corn and tomato salad, garden salad, fresh veggies and dip, and fresh fruit salad. Can’t forget the desserts – brownies, cookies, and Entenmanns’.

The luncheon was sponsored by “Caring U.S. Naval Academy Graduates” with instructions to provide a

festive, all out, soup to nuts meal.”

Thank you all for making the day amazing!

January’s volunteers traveled from south of DC, the Annapolis area, south of Baltimore, Southern Maryland, the Eastern Shore of Maryland and points in between.

Elizabeth and Katie were great, jumping right in with their help and menu ideas when we began planning the luncheon back before Christmas. They will be coordinating future luncheons for MM-B.

Our favorite guys were with us and helped carry in the huge amount of food we brought with us.

Mary joined us for the first time and we are looking forward to having her with us in the future. Barb and Don, thank goodness for them! What didn’t fit in my car fit in theirs’.

Brenda, one of our original crew members, was with us for the first time in over a year. It was nice catching up with her on the drive over and back. Gladys and Bob shopped for and packed the pantry gift bags. Everyone contributed to the menu in some way.

We are very grateful to be partnering with “Touch of Relief”. Jaime and Kelly set their massage chairs up in one of the day rooms away from the hustle and bustle of the ward. Once word spread around the ward that they were there, they stayed busy working out the stress on family members with their “magic fingers”.

Pillowcases and a baby quilt from Bayside Quilters and all of the lap robes crocheted by Marya’s friends were given out. Miss Shirley sent along this note with the lap robe she made:

“I would like to donate this lap robe for a disabled veteran in honor and memory of Robert “Shank” Todd for his dedicated service to his country. Thank You!”

Melissa in Ohio sent more of the beautiful fleece blankets to pass out with gorgeous handmade cards attached to them. Two of them went to Louisiana Marines and one went to a wife who was there with their two daughters while their Marine recuperates. Nice and cozy to snuggle in on these cold Maryland days.

All of the pantry bags were given out along with the notes of encouragement. (Thank you, Note Writers, OTY, Joanna, Mary, and our other “Elfs”!)

Gladys, Elizabeth and Katie Jan 2011Food was taken to 7 East, ICU, over to Mercy Hall, and leftovers were stashed in the pantry for the patients and families to help themselves to later. We all stayed busy! We even had a chance to sit back and get to know each other a little better.

It was nice having the extra helping hands at the luncheon. We were able to do everything we try to do while we are there but aren’t always able to accomplish.

Our luncheons are more than just putting food on the table. We try to spend a little time talking with “our guests”, listening to stories about their Marine, Soldiers, Sailors. I said to one Marine mom that I wished I had a tape recorder. Her son was a year out of high school, had a great job, was making great money, brand new truck, living “the good life” but felt something was missing. He wanted to “make a difference” so… he joined the Marines. The admiration in her voice for her son… this is where I told her I wished I had a tape recorder.

You won’t read much here on our website about specific details of the conversations we have with the patients or their families. We don’t mention full names and ranks, and we have very few pictures of our wounded Warriors or their families on the site. We are in “their space” when we host a luncheon and we believe the privacy of the patients and their families is extremely important.

Why? Well… how would you want to be treated if you were far from home during a very challenging, very emotional, very stressful time? The patients and families have enough on their minds without worrying if what they say to us is going to be quoted online, or that names and ranks with pictures will be posted on our site.

From the mother of a wounded Warrior:

“You are so cautious, Jane, when it comes to protecting the patients and their families….  I’m grateful for your commitment to helping but not pushing to get into the lives of the patients. “

There is this little word that comes to mind:


We are there to provide a meal, encouragement, and “touches of home” to make their stay at the hospital a little brighter.

There are other support groups that work hand in hand with the hospital to provide needed assistance to the Warriors and their families. There are articles online (if you dig deep enough into a search engine – the mainstream media doesn’t often carry Warrior stories on their front pages) if you would like to read about anything more detailed than what we post here. I have seen quite a few written about Marines and Soldiers we have met on the hospital floor or at Mercy Hall. Check the stories out – they are inspiring… stories of true HEROES.

Until next time, continued prayers for our military and their families.

Love and Hugs,






December 2, 2010 – Mercy Hall: “Holiday Cheer at Mercy Hall”

HC 2010 logo“Elfs”, Cookies, Stockings, Cards, and a Holiday Meal!

Here’s our AAR for Holiday Cheer 2010. Thank you to everyone who made it a wonderful success!  You are SO appreciated!!!

“The Elfs”

Some “Elfs” sent gift cards, some sent stocking stuffers and ornaments, and others sent checks to help with the Santa shopping.  They also helped by getting the word out about “Holiday Cheer at Bethesda” by posting on Facebook or on their websites and blogs.

Saying “Thank you” for your unconditional support of our wounded, injured, and ill service members seems inadequate to me. I have difficulty finding words strong enough to express the appreciation and gratitude that comes from the troops and their families when we gave them the stockings, cookies, cards, and food that they weren’t expecting.

So many people have given their time, money, and hearts to help with our event and each one of you have touched many people in extraordinarily wonderful ways that we will never know.

Thank you. We appreciate you.


Thank you to the “Cookie Elfs” – Kate, Barb, Don, Robin, Janelle, Aunt Jeanne and Mr. Russell, Alice, Catherine, Chris and her ladies from Bayside Quilters – Barb C. Kris S., and Marlene, and Grace. Thanks also to Delmarva Blue Star Mothers for helping to fund the cookie tins.

cookie elfs 2010

Jeanne, Janelle, Barb, Don. and Katie gathered together to sort the cookies into cheery tins. Each tin held a dozen assorted cookies.





Just a few of the delicious cookies the Cookie “Elfs” made. Continue reading December 2, 2010 – Mercy Hall: “Holiday Cheer at Mercy Hall”

November 14, 2010 – 5 East: Marine Moms Have a Saying…

Janet and Shirley“My Son by another Mother.”

Some of us Marine Moms and Dads have known each other since boot camp, others since our sons’ first deployment.  Maybe our kids grew up together in the same neighborhood and joined the Marine Corps together. Still others we have met along the way through one support group or another, whether it is from the site, a Yahoo group, or from homecomings, local events, a Blue Star Mothers chapter, or, yes,  even chasing down a car in town with a USMC sticker on it!  We are everywhere. It’s just the hooking up with each other that may difficult sometimes.

One thing we have in common is we claim every Marine we meet as our own, and we do our best to “fill in” for the parents who can’t be there for their son or daughter.

My hope is that every military family is connected to another military family. It really does help with the roller coaster ride.

The friendships you make will last a lifetime.

Sunday’s luncheon had a very special feeling surrounding it.  Continue reading November 14, 2010 – 5 East: Marine Moms Have a Saying…

October 28, 2010 – Mercy Hall: “Retreat Hell! We just got here!”

“Retreat Hell! We’ve just got here!”

Well… not really… it was October 2005 when Janelle and I first visited Bethesda.  I often wonder how Shawn is doing.  Now I know, found his “Alive Day” video on You Tube.  God is Good.

Another Marine we met on one of our first visits just received his final paperwork and is officially medically retired.  It took 5 years.

Then there is the Marine from Massachusetts, the only survivor out of his group of nine.

The Corpsman who was awarded a Bronze Star.

There was a Lieutenant who was in a wheelchair being pushed by his Dad and was so polite to Janelle and me, asking us about our sons.

The Marine in his Santa hat with the little Purple Heart pin on it; the hat was covering the surgical scars  from the head injury from an IED blast.  Continue reading October 28, 2010 – Mercy Hall: “Retreat Hell! We just got here!”

September 26 – 5th Floor: Welcome OEF/OIF Patients and Families!


Welcome OEF and OIF Patients and Families




Britt stopped by a few days before the luncheon to pick up the “must have” supplies to pass on to Deb for the food prep. Early Sunday morning Barb and Don swung by to pick up the quilts, the notes, pantry bags, and the rest of the supplies.

I stayed home and from all reports I have heard, the luncheon was great! Deb and Barb both checked in afterwards and said it was very busy. The Vitamix even over-heated from all the smoothies Deb was making. It worked fine again after it cooled down. Continue reading September 26 – 5th Floor: Welcome OEF/OIF Patients and Families!

Bringing "Comforts of Home" to Bethesda (now Walter Reed NMMC) since 2005.