September 26 – 5th Floor: Welcome OEF/OIF Patients and Families!


Welcome OEF and OIF Patients and Families




Britt stopped by a few days before the luncheon to pick up the “must have” supplies to pass on to Deb for the food prep. Early Sunday morning Barb and Don swung by to pick up the quilts, the notes, pantry bags, and the rest of the supplies.

I stayed home and from all reports I have heard, the luncheon was great! Deb and Barb both checked in afterwards and said it was very busy. The Vitamix even over-heated from all the smoothies Deb was making. It worked fine again after it cooled down.

Italian Bread

setting up






Meatball Subs and Sandwiches

Jean and Don








with Garden Salad and fresh Maryland tomatoes


Appetizers and Fruit






(Those toothpick thingies are making me HUNGRY!)

Cake and cookies, and Entenmann’s from Dave. Thank you, Dave!

Barb and Jean

Pantry bags with goodies inside, quilts from Bayside Quilter, Dunkin Donut and phone cards.

niiftie giftie bags




Support Notes from Colorado, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, North Carolina, Michigan, Florida, Indiana, Nebraska, Virginia, and Alabama.

This month’s note packets included
Silver Star Banner applications from
Silver Star Families of America.

Silver Star Banner“Silver Star shining for sacrifice, honoring wounded, ill and dying members of our Armed Forces, and bringing remembrance to those so deserving of our thanks.
We will never forget . . . WELCOME HOME!”

Thank you, Margie, for sending the printed applications on to us for distribution.
There is an online application form for
Silver Star Banners on their website.

Our “Hostesses with the Mostestes” crew this month were Deb, Robin, Jean, Barb, and Don, with Amber joining them for the first time. Thank you for sharing your pictures for the webpage, Robin!

Thank You All! Job WELL Done!!!


Silver Star BannerAre you running in the Marine Corps Marathon?
Marine Moms-Bethesda will be at Water Point 3 to

Gladys and Bob will also be there selling the
Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund Family Cookbook.
ALL proceeds go to the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.


Surfing —
An inspiring story about an EOD Marine. We see strength and determination like his each time we do a luncheon. (4/2/2021 link update – Ad blockers have to be off to read it)

‘My job didn’t take my legs’




Don’t forget! “Holiday Cheer” is almost here!
We are collecting Christmas cards for our December 2 luncheon at Mercy Hall to be distributed to the wounded, injured and ill combat patients at Bethesda.

The final postmark date is October 15th!
Cards may be mailed to:

(Event is over.)

Please – no glitter cards!
More information here.

Until next time, continued prayers for our military and their families.

Love and Hugs,
