Tag Archives: “Elfie” stuff

December 2, 2010 – Mercy Hall: “Holiday Cheer at Mercy Hall”

HC 2010 logo“Elfs”, Cookies, Stockings, Cards, and a Holiday Meal!

Here’s our AAR for Holiday Cheer 2010. Thank you to everyone who made it a wonderful success!  You are SO appreciated!!!

“The Elfs”

Some “Elfs” sent gift cards, some sent stocking stuffers and ornaments, and others sent checks to help with the Santa shopping.  They also helped by getting the word out about “Holiday Cheer at Bethesda” by posting on Facebook or on their websites and blogs.

Saying “Thank you” for your unconditional support of our wounded, injured, and ill service members seems inadequate to me. I have difficulty finding words strong enough to express the appreciation and gratitude that comes from the troops and their families when we gave them the stockings, cookies, cards, and food that they weren’t expecting.

So many people have given their time, money, and hearts to help with our event and each one of you have touched many people in extraordinarily wonderful ways that we will never know.

Thank you. We appreciate you.


Thank you to the “Cookie Elfs” – Kate, Barb, Don, Robin, Janelle, Aunt Jeanne and Mr. Russell, Alice, Catherine, Chris and her ladies from Bayside Quilters – Barb C. Kris S., and Marlene, and Grace. Thanks also to Delmarva Blue Star Mothers for helping to fund the cookie tins.

cookie elfs 2010

Jeanne, Janelle, Barb, Don. and Katie gathered together to sort the cookies into cheery tins. Each tin held a dozen assorted cookies.





Just a few of the delicious cookies the Cookie “Elfs” made. Continue reading December 2, 2010 – Mercy Hall: “Holiday Cheer at Mercy Hall”

August 22, 2010 – 5 East: Thanksgiving in August? Why not?

Thanksgiving in AugustSunday’s crew members put together a fabulous luncheon for the patients and families on 5 East!  Turkey, ham, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, biscuits and honey, cornbread and jalapeño jelly, fresh fruit, chips and dip, cheese and crackers, salad, cookies and cupcakes, smoothies, sodas, and bottled water made for a great Thanksgiving meal in August!

pantry bags and t-shirts cartAnother group met us there to help with the luncheon and pass out t-shirts so they filled the pantry bags while Susie, Elizabeth, Lew and Stephanie were setting up the buffet.

Pantry bags, cameras, pillowcases, encouragement notes, and Logan’s lollipops along with the t-shirts were handed out when the families or patients came out of the room. Quilts from “Quilts of Valor” were distributed by Susie. The girls made sure all of the patients were given a t-shirt. Lots of smiles and “thank you’s”!

T-shirt Crew August 2010

“T-shirts 4 Troops” came about when NNMC Red Cross volunteers Lauren, Shavani and Karishma decided they wanted to “bring some color” to the hospital wards at Bethesda. Continue reading August 22, 2010 – 5 East: Thanksgiving in August? Why not?

Holiday Cheer at Bethesda 2009 “Elfs”

Holiday Cheer 2009 cookies and stockingsMade possible by “Elfs” across the country!

Thank you so much for being an “Elf” and bringing “Holiday Cheer” to Bethesda Naval Hospital.


2009 holiday cheer stockings

Stockings made by Bayside Quilters of the Eastern Shore,  MD.

Stocking stuffers were sent from: Continue reading Holiday Cheer at Bethesda 2009 “Elfs”

December 7, 2008 – 5th Floor: Tis the Season

poinsettia Saturday evening Gladys and I came out of Sam’s Club after shopping for the luncheon and there were snow flurries. Sunday morning the ground was covered with a light coating of sparkly white stuff. The first snow is always so pretty. Robin and Sylvia met us at Gladys’ and off we headed for Bethesda. With the sun out, the roads were clear for the drive over to the hospital.

Thankfully, the ward was pretty quiet this visit. We like it quiet… Continue reading December 7, 2008 – 5th Floor: Tis the Season

December 29, 2007 – 5 East Luncheon & Operation Santa at the Hospitals

Have you ever walked into Mom’s kitchen…

Grilled Cheese and had all of your taste buds suddenly attacked by delectable, lip-smacking smells? Mmm hmmm…



That’s exactly how it was Saturday when you walked into the room after the Moms got the soup crockpots set up  and the grilled cheese skillet going. Continue reading December 29, 2007 – 5 East Luncheon & Operation Santa at the Hospitals