May 20, 2012 – 4 East

Jane wasn’t at this luncheon.  Here’s the After Action Report from Katie, slightly edited:

May 20, 2012 – 4 East luncheon

From: katie

To: jane
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 11:34 PM
Subject: last Sunday

Hi Jane – I wanted to fill you in on how Sunday’s luncheon went.  We did have plenty of time to get everything set up, we were ready to serve at 11.

When I walked in the lobby a Marine was leaving with his wife, baby and Mom.  They were going to go to the mall.  He is doing so well.

Another 2/5 Marine wheeled himself down to the room and had us in stitches, he was having a great time and loved the food!  He and his wife came in to see us a couple of times.

I met with other 2 Marines from the 2/5 and their families that day too.

Unfortunately I did not take pictures of the food set up.

Julie worked the smoothie making.  Dina did the “cold” table, the salad, fruit, 7 layer dip.  Kathy worked the dessert table.  Mary and Elizabeth worked the hot food.

I worked the door.

We only had some soup left over.

Kathy and I went up to the TBI ward to invite them down.

I went to ICU but I don’t think any families came down.

The strawberries were from the Swann Farms in Owings Md.  the owner Joe Swann sold me the 12 pints (1.5 flats) at wholesale price. We should mention his farm on our contributor list next month.

We only had one gift bag left.  We left it in the pantry.


Thank you, Katie, Julie, Elizabeth, Kathy and Dina for making the day so special on the 4th floor!