June 23, 2011 – Mercy Hall: just notes this time

Just notes this time.  Sorry, no camera, no pictures.

Roster:  Kate, Grace, Robin, Sally, Janet, and Jaime from “Touch of Relief” to do massages.  Thank you! Job well done!

Menu:  Texas Caviar and scoops, fresh veggie tray to takeover to 5 East, pork BBQ and rolls,  chicken noodle casserole, salad and dressings, corn on the cob, green beans, watermelon, oranges, and bananas, dessert, smoothies, soda, Gatorade and fruit juice.

Yay!  Reserved parking!

Smaller crowd than usual – turns out some of the Marines at Mercy Hall have internships on different days during the week around DC.

Some families came over from 5 East.  One of them has been there since November.

The road to recovery is long.  Thank you for supporting our mission.

Until next time, continued prayers for our military and their families.

Love and Hugs,
