Tag Archives: Veterans Administration

Temporary changes announced regarding the VA’s Assistance Program for Family Caregivers

This article from the Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs was originally posted on the VA website  21 December, 2018.

VA announces moratorium on discharges and decreases from comprehensive caregiver program

December 21, 2018, 10:00:00 AM

WASHINGTON – The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today that it will temporarily suspend discharges and decreases in level of support from its Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers because of continued concerns expressed by Veterans, caregivers and advocates about inconsistent application of eligibility requirements by VA medical centers.

“It is essential that we get this right,” said VA Secretary Robert Wilkie. “This affects one of our most vulnerable Veteran populations and we need to make sure we have consistency on how we process and evaluate benefit applications across VA.”
Continue reading Temporary changes announced regarding the VA’s Assistance Program for Family Caregivers

#ExploreVA Facebook Chat: VA Serves Women Veterans

Passing on for Women Veterans from the VA site.  For the direct link, click here.


Explore  VA  Facebook Chat: VA Serves Women Veterans
  • March 22, 2–3 p.m. Eastern time

If you’re one of an estimated 2.2 million women Veterans, we want you to know that VA is continually enhancing facilities, training staff and improving access to services to meet your needs.

If you served in any branch of the U.S. military, you may have earned VA health care benefits and be eligible for other VA benefits that can help you buy a home, earn a degree, advance your career, and do more in life after the military.

Join VA, representatives from Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and others in the Veteran community for a #ExploreVA Facebook Chat to learn more about VA health care and benefits for women Veterans.

Participating is easy: Visit the VFW Facebook page on March 22 at 2 p.m. EST. The discussion will begin at 2 p.m. in the comment section of the post announcing the Facebook Chat. Register here or click the button to the right to receive an e-mail reminder the day of the event. You will need a Facebook account to view the discussion and ask questions.

During the chat, you can:

  • Learn why more than 500,000 women have enrolled in VA health care, and why many are choosing VA over private health care providers.
  • Get answers to your questions from VA and VFW experts.
  • Hear how VA continues to change to better serve women Veterans.

Event starts in 6 days


Learn how VA benefits help millions of Veterans and their family members adjust to post-military life during our online events!

VA and LinkedIn partner to provide resources for service members and Veterans

Are you active duty or a Veteran looking for ways to expand your skills? Are you transitioning or planning your transition into the civilian world?

Passing on info a Marine Veteran sent me…

“Back on Veterans’ Day LinkedIn ran a promotional about this and I signed up.  There aren’t a lot of courses applicable to me but are some that would for others.”

The VA and LinkedIn are partnering to offer service members and Veterans one year of access to LinkedIn’s professional development site, Lynda.com, at no cost.

Lynda.com offers online video tutorials and training in the following areas: developer, design, web, photography, business, education, 3D + Animation, Video, and Audio + Music

Additionally, LinkedIn offers service members and Veterans job-search resources and a one-year premium job seeker account on its own site at no cost. Interested? Start here to set up your account: https://veterans.linkedin.com/

You can read the VA’s blog post for more details here.

Or just jump in at the links above.

Lynda.com also offers a 10 day free trial for those who aren’t Veterans or in the military and would like to check it out before committing to it, as well as monthly plans.  Looks interesting!

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”  ~Anthony J. D’Angelo

Stay Young!

‘Til next time,
