Category Archives: Newsletters

October 19, 2014 Newsletter

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After taking some time off, Marine Moms-Bethesda’s Newsletters are back!

Nine years ago this month, October 2005, Janelle and I made our first visit to Bethesda Naval Hospital to visit a Marine mom and her son who had been wounded in combat. Where have the years gone?

Flag afghan
An afghan from Bayside Quilters given out at the July 20th – 4th floor luncheon.

What’s in this edition:

  • What we’ve been up to

  • Thank yous!

  • We need your help!

  • Changes

  • Upcoming luncheons

  • Surfing

What we’ve been up to:

We continue hosting monthly Sunday luncheons at Bethesda, now Walter Reed NMMC, on the 4th floor, and invite the Critical Care Unit combat families and the Traumatic Brain Injury Ward guys & gals and their families to join us. Continue reading October 19, 2014 Newsletter