August 3, 2014 – 4th Floor: Changes

After our July 20th luncheon we received an email from Walter Reed’s Environmental Health Department with new policies we’re required to follow.


I asked if there had been complaints and was told:


No, we are just trying to equally apply the standard for special events across NSAB
and ensure that the food served in the best possible way to prevent foodborne illness.

We look forward to working with you, so you can best serve the patients and families.

Thermometers from Hopkins


These policies, good food handling procedures, were implemented at today’s luncheon:

  • food transported safely to the hospital (already did this).

  • food gloves (we already used them).

  • head coverings (*flashback* – elementary school lunches and the lunch ladies! We chose ball caps instead of hair nets).

  • cold food kept below and hot food kept above specific temperatures during the event (bought food thermometers so we could be assured we were within their requirements).

  • hygienic serving equipment (we already did)

And the biggie:

Please be aware that home baked goods i.e. cookies, brownies, or pies are
authorized at this time. Homemade goods i.e. casseroles, salads, or
pot roast have to be store bought.

Today’s luncheon was all store bought.

Our luncheons are a welcome break to the fast food the families live on and have been a mixture of home made and store bought items. This is how we’ve been able to keep the costs down. Example:

  • Today’s 4 lbs of pulled pork BBQ and 24 rolls cost $98.58.

  • July 20th’s 5 lbs of pulled pork BBQ cost and 24 rolls cost $49.99.


Cheese, olives, & pickles, pulled pork BBQ & rolls, tuna fish salad,

chicken noodle soup, potato salad,

fresh fruit salad, cucumber & tomato salad,

chocolate chip cookies, water and assorted drinks.


The heath inspector came in to make sure the food was being handled properly, checked the temperature of the food, and gave us “two thumbs up” before he left.


We appreciate the need for the food policies and will continue to serve the patients and families in the best possible way.


Many thanks to Deb for helping out at the last minute.

Special thanks to our supporters who help make the luncheons happen with their generous donations.


And as Gladys said on her Facebook page:

Although the number of wounded patients has decreased, there is still a need to support those who have sustained injuries while defending our country. Marine Moms-Bethesda will be there until the last patient and their family members go home.

Army Medic fills a syringe
U.S. Army Sgt. Megan Smith fills a syringe during a patient transfer in Afghanistan, July 22, 2014. Smith is a medic assigned to the 159th Combat Aviation Brigade.    U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Sandra Welch

That’s the Plan.

sweet pulled pork BBQ
Sweet pulled pork BBQ, it was really good.
potato salad and tuna salad
Potato salad and tuna salad. Need to find a different place to buy the tuna. This was very vinegary with pickle relish in it. The potato salad was good, although it had bacon in it.  We usually serve bacon on the side for those who can’t eat it for whatever reason.
Chicken Noodle Soup
The chicken soup was delicious.
Fruit Salad and Cucumber and Tomato Salad
Fresh fruit salad and Cucumber and Tomato Salad
Desserts, drinks, and LCpl Smitty
Desserts, drinks, and LCpl. Smitty.
Thank you, Chris for sending LCpl. Smitty to join us for the luncheons!
Cheryl's Stars
“Stars” sent to us to hand out to the wounded Warriors from Cheryl in Florida. These can be tied on to wheelchairs.  Thank You, Cheryl!
Blue Afghan
This beautiful afghan was crocheted by one of the ladies from Bay Side Quilters, sent along with the quilts and pillowcase to give out. The wife, or maybe she was a mom, saw it, fell in love with it. It could not be going to a better home!

 Adapt and overcome.”


Until next time, continued prayers for our military and their families.

Semper Gumby,
