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Thank you, Tennesseans!
A view from the top deck of the 'Southern Belle' on the Tennessee River.
Since 2007 Tennessee Veterans and Families have been supporting Marine Moms-Bethesda's mission of
serving combat wounded, injured, and ill Warriors, all service branches, and their families
at Bethesda National Naval Medical Center, now Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

There are times we wish you could see the faces of the troops or their family members (and we have met many from Tennessee) when they walk, or sometimes wheel, into the luncheon room.
You all have done a wonderful thing.
Pamela Tidwell, CPA


Ronnie"Rock" Land at 'Quick Tees'


Grizz and 'Bikers for Christ'


Bob and the 'Trail of Tears Remembrance Ride' Bikers


DAD of Tennessee




Dee Ann


Arlene and Roger


Marine Corps League Auxiliary Stone River Unit:

Jaime, Sharon, Alice, and Deborah




Nightside Pachyderms, Chattanooga





Special Thanks and Gratitude to Our

Tennessee "Elfs"!
There may be other Tennessee "Elfs". We often receive anonymous donations and don't know where they came from. If you are one of our "Elfs" and would like your name here, please let us know so we can add you!
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